Friday, September 30, 2011

Why I Love Music

To me, music is not just notes on a paper, or even sounds with a melody. True music is the soul and passion you put into it. In truth? I hate practicing songs from the piano books, because I just prefer to learn by ear- (sounding it out) but it's all part of learning "the way of the keys," so I can tolerate it.

A good friend of mine, and an amazing piano teacher taught me all this-and they know who they are! They have inspired me to do what I never thought I could. One day, that good friend had me play a new piece that I was learning on her piano, as I had showed her so many times. But this time, I realized something. The smile I saw on her face was genuine. As I was about to ask if she liked it, she hugged me, and told me: "this time you got it right!" Now I realize what she meant.

To play the piano, it has to come from the heart to be complete. I hope to continue with piano all the way through, and with my amazing piano teacher (hint-hint:MISS JESSICA!!!!) as my teacher all the way. I love piano-and that is how I hope it stays!

By: Miss Maddy
A student of Miss Jessica

Thank you Maddy for that lovely essay!

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