Saturday, February 26, 2011

Student Artwork

I recently came up with the idea of sharing on my business blog all artwork given to me by students. I just couldn't bear the thought of throwing it in with the rest of the recycling after so much thoughtfulness and effort was put into these sweet jestures of respect.

My teachers that I will forever be thankful for a fine musical appreciation and education are:
Mrs. Durkee, Mr. LaBlanc, Mrs. Bittinger, Mr. Lafavre, Mr. Lion, Mrs. Klaus, Jonathan Newell, Theresa Treadway-Lloyd, Kikki Britt, Christina Breitenfeld, Pam Firth. Thank you.

Piano is so cool!

Graphic Design by: Isabel

This is a flyer that one of my students gave to me at the start of our last lesson. Her mother proudly told me of how Isabel designed this flyer with her friend while they were spending time together over break. Further proof that I am doing one of the jobs that I was intended to do in this lifetime.

happy keys piano school : student artwork

Picture by: Maha
Recieving handmade pictures from students is one of the many joys of teaching piano lessons!
I know that my job is complete when I have earned the respect of the student, and it is so rewarding to know that they are not only getting a thorough musical education, and enjoying their lessons, but they also appreciate me as a person. It is a privilage to teach music and I am thankful for the blessing of such a great job daily.